PhotoNext is the POLITO Inter-Departimental Center for Photonic technologies, focused on experimental and applied research in three key areas: optical fiber ultra-high speed communication systems, optical sensors and optical components for industrial applications.

You can find here a video describing the main features of the Center.


Starting from 2019, the Center is closely connected with FIP "Fotonica in Piemonte", the infrastructure on Applied Photonics sponsored by a project of Regione Piemonte. You can find here the brochure application/pdf (8.01 MB) describing this organization, and also the video of the kick-off event.

We are also on LinkedIn with all the latest info!


2024, June 17th

ICOP2024: Invited presentation on optical sensing on deployed fiber networks

At the ICOP2024 conference, Prof. Roberto Gaudino gave an invited Talk titled "Overview on optical sensing techniques over deployed telecom networks", presenting the results obtained in the PRIN2022 Project SURENET (for more info, please visit our Linkedin page).

Monday June 10th, 2024

Seminar from STMicroelectonics on Silicon Photonics

We are pleased to announce the following seminar (see flyer application/pdf (272.18 kB) for more details):

 Dr. Antonio Fincato , ST Microelectronics: Advanced R&D at ST Microelectronics on Silicon Photonics for Emerging Applications”

 Monday June 10th, 2024,  Sala Maxwell, DET

15.00-16.15 Seminar

16.15-17.00 Coffee break and informal discussions

2024, May 7th, 2:00pm

Seminar on DSP in Coherent Transmission by Dr. Fernando Guiomar

For the series of Seminars organized by the PhotoNext Center@POLITO, Dr. Fernando Guiomar will give a talk on "Advanced Signal Processing for Coherent Optical Transmission Systems" on Tuesday 2024, May 7th, 2:00pm.