New book chapter entitled "Glass and Glass–Ceramic Photonic Materials for Sensors"
It is a great pleasure to share our novel book chapter entitled "Glass and Glass–Ceramic Photonic Materials for Sensors"!!!! The chapter is part of the PoliTO Springer Series "Ceramics, Glass and Glass-Ceramics" edited by F. Baino, M. Tomalino, and D. Tulyaganov. More info at this link!
Two new papers on IEEE/OSA JLT
Two papers from PhotoNext have recently been published on IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. They are both addressing future ultra-high capacity transmission in data centers and in access. You can find more info at these links:
Notte Europea dei Ricercatori 2021 (European Research Night)
The POLITO Turin OSA Chapeter partecipated to the European Research Night 2021: here you can find more info on this very succesful event!
Photonext Seminar by Dr. Riccardo Piccoli: Nonlinear phenomena in gas-filled hollow-core fibers
High-energy ultrashort optical pulses have opened new avenues in the investigation of ultrafast and strong-field-driven phenomena. However, the direct generation of such pulses, from visible to terahertz (THz) frequencies, is still very challenging and requires broadband spectra not directly available from common laser gain media. In this seminar, we will see how gas-filled hollow-core fiberscan be successfully employed in a vast variety of situations including extreme pulse broadening and compression, ultrabroadband THz generation, and extreme Raman red-shift.
Online Meeting (ZOOM) ID: 822 5669 2345 Passcode: 633103
Link to the Seminar complete program (501.81 kB).
PhD Course: “Photonext: Hands-on course on Photonics for Fiber Transmission”: 2021 Edition
The 2021 edition of the PhD Course: “Photonext: Hands-on course on Photonics for Fiber Transmission” will ultimately take place! It was not easy, but we manage to find a way to have LIVE experimental session in each of the three weeks of the course.
The students will be guided through three different sets of experiments involving optical fiber systems. You can find further information iby clicking on the title of this news.
Seminar on Free Space Optical Communications by Dr. Italo Toselli
Optical Turbulence and its impact on Free Space Optical Communications
Dr. Italo Toselli – Fraunhofer IOSB Ettlingen, Germany
Tuesday 27 April 2021
11:30 – 13:00 POLITO Virtual Classroom
Link to the flyer (540.33 kB)
Link to the recorded video of the seminar
Biennale Tecnologia - Politecnico Aperto
PhotoNext will participate to the POLITO dissemination event Biennale Tecnologia - Politecnico Aperto with a live online presentation on the current trends in Applied Photonics.
Stay tuned and... please follow this link for further information!
The event will be in Italian, here is the program:
Titolo: Fotonica: la “luce” applicata all’Industria 4.0, alle telecomunicazioni, all’ambiente e alla medicina
Descrizione: Un percorso alla “scoperta della luce” attraverso una presentazione in aula con demo dal vivo. I visitatori potranno seguire dimostrazioni sperimentali alla scoperta della fotonica, una tecnologia alla base delle recenti rivoluzioni nella manifattura industriale (lavorazioni con laser), nelle telecomunicazioni (reti ad altissima velocità), nella medicina (chirurgia laser, diagnostica personalizzata) e nel monitoraggio civile e ambientale (sensori integrati nelle strutture).
PhotoNext Dissemination event "Esperto in Classe - Biennale Tecnologia"
The PhotoNext center is actively participating in the dissemination events organized by POLITO under the initiative "Biennale Tecnologia - Esperto in Classe". You can see the details at the following link:
Our researchers, together with the POLITO OSA student Chapter, will visit four High Schools, with an interactive lesson on digital transmission over optical fibers.
CISCO - POLITO Memorandum of Understanding signed today
We are pleased to announce that today 2020, September 20th a CISCO - POLITO Memorandum of Understanding has been finally signed. This constitute a very important general framework for the scientific collaboration between CISCO and Politecnico di Torino in the area of ICT, with a strong focus on optical communications. This is thus strongly related to the PhotoNext activities.
Please read the press release for further information
A new informative paper on the PhotoNext infrastructure
We are pleased to announce that an informative paper on the PhotoNext infrastructure has been published on the Italian journal Applicazioni Laser, and can be found at the following addresses: at page 26