
16 March 2018 - Aula Perucca, DISAT Ingresso 1 - Politecnico di Torino

PhD Defense of Edoardo Ceci Ginistrelli

Advanced applications of Phosphate glass optical fibres in photonics and biophotonics

Friday 16 March 2018, 9:00 AM - Aula Perucca, DISAT, Ingresso 1

Politecnico di Torino

2018, March 11-15, San Diego, California

OptCom group participates to OFC2018 conference with 12 papers

A total of 12 papers written by authors belonging to the OptCom@POLITO group have been accepted to OFC 2018, the most important conference of the field of optical communications.

For a full list, please visit this page.

15 March 2018 at 3:00 PM - Sala SITI, Corso Castelfidardo, 30/A - 10138 Torino

Passive phase-locking and coherent combining of lasers

"Passive phase-locking and coherent combining of lasers"

Prof. Amiel Ishaaya, Ben Gurion University, Israel

The possibility of combining several lasers into one high brightness powerful laser beam is appealing to many practical applications. Various beam-combining approaches have been investigated which can be divided into three main categories: incoherent, active coherent, and passive coherent combining approaches.
This talk will focus on passive interferometric laser beam combining using compact, plane parallel, intracavity combiners.
The basic configurations along with our results in both solid-state and fiber laser configurations will be presented, and various aspects and the possible up-scalability of this approach will be discussed.

9 March 2018

On air on Italian National TV

PhotoNext on air on 9 March 2018 on Rai 3 TG Leonardo

9 March 2018

News release on bioresorbable FBGs

News release from Politecnico di Torino


February 5, 2018

Bioresorbable Fiber Bragg Gratings

Stavros Pissadakis' group at FORTH (Greece) inscribed Fiber Bragg Gratings on bioresorbable optical fibers fabricated by PhotoNext and Istituto Superiore Mario Boella - ISMB researchers.

- PhotoNext team involved MAPS (Materials for Photonics and Sensing): Davide Janner, Daniel Milanese, Diego Pugliese, Edoardo Ceci Ginistrelli (now at VeriVin).

- ISMB researcher: Nadia G. Boetti.

Results are published on Optics letters.

Press Release from The Optical Society can be found here

2018, February 8th

PhotoNext first Steering Committee

The PhotoNext first Steering Committee will be held on 2018, February 8th, and will address the PhotoNext strategy for year 2018.

Beside the PhotoNext Management Committee and some other POLITO's members, representatives from the following companies will participate.

  1. Prima Industrie SpA (which will also host the meeting in its premises in Collegno)
  2. CISCO SpA
  3. Istituto Superiore Mario Boella
  4. A.R.P.A. Valle d’Aosta
  5. Datalogic SpA
January 2, 2018

New research article published by PhotoNext scientists

PhotoNext scientists published a research article on the ISI Journal Nanomaterials entitled "Design, Synthesis, and Structure-Property Relationships of Er3+-Doped TiO2 Luminescent Particles Synthesized by Sol-Gel".

10 January 2018, Classroom 1T, from 11.30 to 13.00

Open Fiber Seminar: a new industrial project for the Fiber-to-the-Home ultra-broadband in Italy

Speaker: Ing. Domenico Angotti, head of Access and Transport Engineering at Open Fiber