
2020, October 1st

Kick-Off event for the INFRA-P FIP "Fotonica in Piemonte"

We are please to announce the Kick-Off event for the INFRA-P FIP "Fotonica in Piemonte", the open infrastructure for Applied Photonics. 

You can find more information FIP_locandina_definitiva application/pdf (1.18 MB).

This is a free online event, but you should register here

2020, April 24th 14.30-17.30

Seminar by Open Fiber on FTTH deployment in Italy

Ing. Gianluca Ferro from Open Fiber will give an online Seminar on FTTH deployment in Italy. The seminar will be offered online on the POLITO Virtual Classroom tool live on 2020, April 24th from 14.30 to 17.30

If you are interested to participate, please write an email to to receive the link of the video-conference.

2020, February 12

"Think beyond Pink"

The POLITO OSA Chapter organizes the event "THINK BEYOND PINK"

Celebration of the International Day of Women in Science

9:30 – 12:30 SALA MAXWELL (DET) – 5TH FLOOR

Monday 25 November 2019

Seminar by Prof. Alexander Heidt University of Bern, Switzerland

Seminar by  Prof. Alexander Heidt University of Bern, Switzerland on "Shaping light with extreme properties using specialty optical fibre technology"

For further information, please click here application/pdf (409.02 kB).

2019, June 14th, 10:30 am,Maxwell Conference Room

PhotoNext seminar on "Photodetector modeling @ CSM"

For the series of Seminars organized by the PhotoNext Interdepartmental Center@POLITO, we are pleased to invite you to the talk titled: 

“Photodetector modeling @ CSM” that will be given on 14 June 2019 at 10:30 in the Maxwell Conference Room, Corso Castelfidardo 42A.

 You can find further information on the program in the event brochure application/pdf (563.76 kB).  ddd

2019, May 28 at 11.30 am

Seminars on photoncs: “Semiconductor lasers for next generation silicon photonics “ by Prof. Frédéric Grillot

On May 28 at 11.30 am in the Maxwell room (Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, Corso Castelfidardo 42, 5th floor) Prof. Frédéric Grillot from Télécom ParisTech, Paris (France) will deliver a talk entitled “Semiconductor lasers for next generation silicon photonics “ in the framework of a series of seminars on photonics organised by the Interdepartmental Center PhotoNext. 

Ph.D students, postdocs, researchers and professors interested in the new frontiers of photonics are kindly invited to attend this event. 

2019, May 15th, 3.00 pm

International Day of Light 2019

International Day of Light 2019

“La fotonica applicata in Italia: prospettive industriali e nuovi mercati”

Mercoledì 15 Maggio 2019, 15:00-17:00

Politecnico di Torino, Corso Castelfidardo 30/A, Torino Sala Conferenze LINKS

L'evento fa parte della serie di iniziative divulgative promosse dall'UNESCO

2019, March 22nd, Shannon Meeting room

PhotoNext Seminar on advanced optical transmission techniques

Prof. Robert Killey (University College London) and Prof. Magnus Karlsson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) will give two very interesting talks on their recent activities on advanced optical transmission techniques on 2019, March 22nd.

The seminar will start at 13.30 in the Shannon Meeting Room.

3 – 7 March 2019

OFC 2019: massive participation by PhotoNext members!

Several members of the PhotoNext team will participate next week to OFC2019 (Optical Fiber Conference in San Diego, Ca), the most important conference worldwide on optical communication and networking.

Besides an important list of presentations, we are proud to mention that one of the three General Chairs of the conference is Gabriella Bosco. Congratulations to Gabriella!

2018, December 12th, 5.00 pm

PhotoNext Plenary Meeting

The first PhotoNext Plenary Meeting took place on Wednesday 2018, December 12th at 5.00 pm in the Rigamonti Room, DISAT.


- 17.00:18.00: presentation of the activities of the first year and planning for the second year

- 18.00:19.00: Get-together drink